American Institute of Marine Underwriters
- American Institute of Marine Underwriters
AIMU , амер. Американский институт морских страховщиков [андеррайтеров\]
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "American Institute of Marine Underwriters" в других словарях:
Associate In Marine Insurance Management - AMIM — An IIA program for insurance professionals is designed to expand the knowledge of marine insurance. It includes the areas of expertise of ocean marine insurance, inland marine insurance, principles of risk management and insurance, insurance… … Investment dictionary
Marine insurance — Admiralty law History … Wikipedia
A.I.M.U. — American Institute of Marine Underwriters. * * * … Universalium
AIMU — • American Institute of Marine Underwriters … Maritime acronyms and abbreviations
A.I.M.U. — American Institute of Marine Underwriters … Useful english dictionary
Liste des principaux déversements pétroliers — Article principal : Marée noire. Carte mondiale des principaux déversements pétroliers de 1967 à 2010. Sommaire 1 … Wikipédia en Français
National Association of Marine Surveyors — The National Association of Marine Surveyors [(NAMS)] is an American based non profit body that aims to advance the marine surveyor by certifying its top surveyors and by providing them lifelong opportunities to enhance knowledge through ongoing… … Wikipedia
A.I.M.U. — abbr. American Institute of Marine Underwriters … Dictionary of English abbreviation
Yacht Safety Bureau — The Yacht Safety Bureau, Inc. (YSB) was a non profit corporation organized under the membership corporation law of the State of New York that provided safety and testing standards for the marine industry in the United States. Located in Westwood … Wikipedia
Claims adjuster — Claims adjusters investigate insurance claims by interviewing the claimant and witnesses, consulting police and hospital records, and inspecting property damage to determine the extent of the company’s liability.[1] In the United Kingdom, Ireland … Wikipedia
S. S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education — The S. S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education was established at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1941 to develop insurance education at the collegiate level by increasing the number of college faculty who teach… … Wikipedia